Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Like father like son

Posted: October 7, 2011 in Uncategorized

Hola viewers I was getting sad that the Jonases hadn’t been played in a while so HERE’S A CHAPTER CAPS LOCK FTW!!!!!!!!

Kyle: You smell REALLY good like flowers and vanilla.

Ally: It hides the scent of death and decay flooding off my body.

O_o Ally you’ve been gone for one day and your dark now?

Ally: No I’m just joshing you!

Razor: Yay Ally’s leaving. *Crowd cheers*

Ally: THE HELL?!?! Where did this crowd come from?

Razor: We heard you were leaving so I gathered a couple of friends… or the whole city.

Ally: I can still hear you!

Bob: Nao I leave you for pain and the occansional feeding while daddy goes and drinks myself in a dark corner. works.

Hardy: No!

Mailman: My hand smells gud.

Your scurry.

Mailman: Lyke, oh my gawd is that bob lyke the Bob?

Are you messed up in the head?

Mailman: *licks hand* yummmm.

Lyke ew. Oh God I talked like him!

Mailman: Lyke simgod please give me more bills to torture people’s finacial lives. AMEN!

Ryan: You 30 second playtime is up.

Ed: Oh tay. I no wanna die by u daddys sharp teethsies.

Ed: I hun’gray! Food NAO!

Look at him sit there.

Ryan: I don’t hear a baby thank God for my IPod Touch! R.I.P Steve Jobs-1955-2011

I sad nao! Anywhozerz.

Ally: This laundry is disgusting.

She cleans for no reasons…

Ally: Because I will not life in FILTH!


Ally: Where did this hole even come from!

Idk but you guys see my army in the back I went to the old house and gathered them all up! Yay!

Their exploring already!

Bob and Blingaboo are having a sing-off.

Bling: It’s so Hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world! By: Blood on the dance floor (Viewer discretion advised VERY perverted songs with lots of cussing.)

Bob: Baby i like it the way you move on the floor. By: Enrique Iglasias I Like It.

Cheese: I choke this baby.

Ed: *chokes* HALP!

They had a secret meeting under my fountain.

Bob: We are the Freemasons HUZZAH!

Everyone: HUZZAH!

Here’s Kyle’s sister forgot her name Marie i think anywho she refuses to age… She should be an elder.

Marie: I am immortal with vampirism!

I HATE YOU! For glitching…

Notice the streaks behind making it LOOK like she’s faster but it’s the same speed pathetic.

Ally: You like my epic cc car?

I have no clue where I got that.

Ally: I can pelt half my body through this door.

Magical next part for some reaon she’s at Nine in the gosht busting career but she got a call about the pollution things.

Ally: i like pelting my back through doors.

i noticed she has FAT lips…

Ally: I choke myself because my FAT lips.

I hope you fall and die! HAHAHA

TRACE! I missed you.

Trace: i still hate you…

>:O I took care of you and let you eat moldy cake you should LOVE me.

Trace: Never

Guess what him changing means…

The waterslide which Kyle uses everyday even though he burns up most of the time.

I think Ryan is gender confused… Maybe he’s tired form the kids crying.

And Alex! I haven’t seen Sarah. I would love to see them reunited… Ick mushy moment over.

Alex is like Woo! I thought you could fly anyway but I guess not.

Alex: This is jsut a funner way of flying.

I leave you with two gnomes doing the happy they teleported to that wierd… If you observre closely you’ll see how it looks like there doing the happy.


No way!

Posted: September 17, 2011 in Uncategorized

Hola viewers I’M SO SORRY! I have 1 french paper to wirte 2 books to read for english and math but screw them I wanna write a chapter! 🙂

Ally wait!

Ally:No I don’t wanna be duel heirs with my stupid brother!

I’ll bring you back next chapter! I will get my revenge.

Ryan: Will you marry me? We gotta marry before Ally gets back.

Julie: Ummm like OMG I WOULD LUVE TO! *hugs*


Julie:*giggles* Just kidding! I love you!


Ryan & Julie: Die!


Ryan: *cocks gun* NOW!

Sowwy! 😥

Since Cienna and Kyle became vamps I moved them underneath the garage you know a dark place for vamps… Bathroom and kitchen just Trace and Jade.

Julie: Honey put some pants on please.

Ryan: How bout my birthday suit.

Julie: Eh as long as the kids are here… As in the daycare you HAD to sign up for.


Kyle is alseep in the theatre… KYLE!


Ryle: Aren’t you gonna burn up?

Sharon:As long as i’m with you i don’t care?


Kyle: If i get the right potion I can blow up my family! YES!

I’ll be alive still haha.

Kyle: DAMN!


Kyle: My boxies are burned!



Jenn and Matthew are dating… She’s young adult he’s elder that’s wierd….

Julie: I’m preggo’s!

Yay! Baby 1

Useless you two are useless.

I end you with these awesome lights I installed.

Hope you enjoyed sorry for taking awhile.

Gen 4 Heir vote

Posted: September 5, 2011 in Uncategorized

HOLA VIEWERS sorry this gen is short but I don’t know what happened honestly… ANYWHO!

This is the new house! I was bored and was thinking hey how bout I bouild them a custom house? And I DID! 😀 I rule. If I get any requests for it I will but it up on exchange.

Thouse three lawnchairs in the house are a home theater. So ya.

5 cakes five birthdays now choose who you want as heir.

Ryle, Hates Outdoors.

Oh yea Julie’s pregnant I had to end the pregnancy though sorry but it wouldn’t let me age her up till she was unpregnant.

Amy: Yea voice your awesome glitched table won’t let me sit

Shut up I’m getting you ready for heir vote.

Amy, Nurturing

Ryan, Nurturing…


Razor, Excitable.

Ally, NURTURING!!!! Honestly I think she came out kinda pretty with my CC hair I mean I only changed hair I’ll change everything only for the heir.

Cienna: GET THEM OUT!!!!

Woohoo in a glubtub

Posted: September 1, 2011 in Uncategorized

HOLA VIEWERS!!!! I am so sorry but school is being a dick to me… excuse my language XP but Iget pages of homework every night anywho onto the chapter!

Alex: My god my hand smells like-

EWWW! That’s gross!

Alex:What it smells like roses and chocolate.

Oh… well continue sniffing?

I checked out the old house and this is what I saw.

Bob: And they saw the spider-daddy longleg I kid you not- and thye had no bug sprya!

Bobby: Shut up you jerk! That was some scary sh*t.

Ummm Ryan or whoever you are…Whatcha doing?

Ryan: Shut up, yea so your so pretty.


Your fast Ryan because she’s been here 20 minutes.

Ryan and Julie: *Slobber we’re really annoying*

Umm there’s a V on her neck bt for some reason she’s not a Vamp.

Ryan: You know what I wanna do. *winks*

Julie:Oh yea who can hold themselves shoved through a bench underwater longest?

Ryan: Yea!

Julie:No cheating!

Ryan: Your cheating.

Lol this made me LMBO!

Alex:Oooh what does my hand spy a bottom.

Julie:Back off you PEDO

What? I just aged him into elder! He can’t die!

Kyle: Yea dad DIE ALREADY, so i can suck the blood from your lifeles body.

Alex: What?

Umm I’m pathetic and die 2 seconds after aging.

Yay Grimmy take him away he’s just there a waster of spacer now!

Alex: I gotes mes a death flower it’s my precious but yous can has itz.

DAMN YOU! DIE! -end rant at that loser for his flower-


I hate you!

Alex: Heehee

For that I kill you NOW!

Cienna: AWWWW!


Cienna:I have children in mah house!

They’re yours…


Ryle: Look at my arms there like steel I can’t believe it noone else has’em

Ryle:So the news is interesting huh?

Amy: Drop dead like Alex.

Ryle: Wow that’s the first word you’ve said to me ever.

Amy: And this is my last.

Fatlard:Dur where the cake. ME HUNGAY!

Stupid papparazzi I’m putting a wall all the way round the house.

Ally: Halp?

So help me god I will instakill one of you LEAVE EACHOTHER ALONE!

Ryan:Lolz he mad he can’t find love.

D: That’s rude.

Ryan: I got a question.

Ryan: Wanna go out?

Julie: Yea

Now this next part is pure autowill.

Ryan: Will you marry me?

Julie: YES!!!!!!

I leave you with these jerks who have taken up more space on my household which I don’t like I have allow more than 8 but it makes someone’s picture when there’s 9 so D: Anywho stay tuned I’m going up to Pittsburgh tomm. so won’t get a chapter out till maybe monday that’s when I get back.

Who’s a vampire?

Posted: August 19, 2011 in Uncategorized

Hola viewers I hit 200 views I was excited sorry bout chapters school has started and trying to do homework you know the fun thing school things you enjoy doing yea I don’t. Here’s Chapter (Insert number here)

Look at his skin and eye’s yea….. Him Cienna and the twins are all FREAKING vampires out of no-where. I threw myself out of the window even though you know I’m in a basement… Anyway.

Kyle: OMG


Kyle: Look I have 4 fangs on the bottom I thought I was supposed to only have 2?

Well EA doesn’t even know how many teeth a vampire has. Sorry thanks Ea make Kyle look like a freak.

Kyle: My little random vampire spawn baby is aging!

Amy: I will bite you… and it’ll hurt.

Kyle: Girl I will throw you into that cake.

Cienna: Yay!

Ryle: God I rule this world as the best big brother!

Ryan: Haha you little girl your aging in life I LAUGH AT YOU!

This is Amy I dyed her hair for her new trait. Snob so you know innocent pigtails blonde then BAM I want a freaking teddy bear.

Look Cake in one.

Ryle: It has everything for birthdays.

Ally: I way to smexy for this butiful face!

Ally: I forgot and honestly don’t care.

Here’s little Ally.

Cienna: I know I’m a worthless and randmly became a vampire but can i drink your blood?

Alex: Lyke ICK! Get your deathly mcdeathy death Away from me!

Cienna:Good thing my fridge can sense I’m a vampire because it magically filled with blood boxes.


Cienna: *hisses*

Ummm? Ok?

Ally: Mom look paper plates can cut skin!

Cienna: And look vampires do get super strength I can shove my arm through your brain!

Amy: Ew chess. *gags*

It’s your grandfather’s.

Amy: It’s 3000 years old!


Amy: I rule chess as an outlaw!

I hope you fall and hurt yourself…badly.

Ally:Look at put my hands on the toilet so my legs don’t have to touch that s$&%

That makes complete sense since your hands are what you use for many things. Watever you get sick and die not my fault.

Ally: Now I know  I should’ve done this before touching my hands to it but watevs.

Cienna: Touch my man my fangs touch your throat! *hiss*

Kyle: I’m just installing speakers thoughtout the house.

Cienna: Aw snap my eyebrows disappeared let me hiss in the air.

Lol I love their eyebrows disappearing.

Cienna:Look blue rays from my head.

Magical. Ok I invited Mathhew Hamming over for knocking Jen up and leaving her. So I made Cienna make him think of her and he disappeared this black disfigured thing stood there for days and he reappeared as a elder.

Cheese: Me elephant with water spout as mouth.

I love cheese.

Lewis: SPANK ME!

Ryle: Nice car, for nice boy.

How will you carry it home?

Guess you can -_____-

Ryle:I like this too.

You can’t fit TWO cars in your pocket.

EA why do they have such large pockets?

Ryle: There special made.


I told you he was a black figure. Like a shadow, a 3-D shadow.

Shadow: I suck the souls from puppies. *Heavy breathing*

Umm is this normal? Their holding hands basically.

Cienna: Look at the sun about to burn me to a crisp.

Thanks for viewing this chapter I hope you enjoyed now that school started I’ll try to get chapters out for both legacys but it might be slow moving stay tuned next time 😀

3 v me

Posted: August 12, 2011 in Uncategorized

Hola viewers this is chapter 15 of the Jonas Family Legacy!

3 new vamps too.

Also Cheese sleeps face first on the ceiling.

Cienna: Let’s woohoo in the time machine.

Kyle: Kk

And like 10 seconds later this girl came out THEIR DAUGHTER. She won’t be included in heir vote because she’ll be YA before first kids are born. She’s like 2 days to YA.

This is Jennifer Lane. Traits: Excitable, Handy, Eco-Friendly, Artistic.

Cienna: *BLARG* I’m a star this shouldn’t happen to me!

But it did an-

Cienna: SHUT UP!!!!!!!

Sorry ma’am

Kyle: Will you marry Cienna?

Cienna: Yes it’s so sparkly!

Kyle: I love you.

And since I suck at weddings so I always do private… I love them so much.

Cienna: WIll you take me as a wife?

Kyle: Yes and will you take me as your husband?

Cienna: Yes.

Woo don’t you love gnomes?

Trace: Someone get on the other end of the see-saw!

Lol Noone will.

Cienna: Woohoo I’m preggo’s

Trace…Wat are you doing?

Trace: Sitting.

Ok then

More gnome.

Lewis: Trace is here act natural.

Trace: LIttle gnomies. Their funny.

And some bully gnomes wedged Napolean in the fence my little favorite gnome.

Oh yea dot dot dot got stuck in there.


It’s ok your not dieing.

Cienna: I feel like that.

Cienna: I think I pulled something in my neck.

Wierd. Not like your pulled your neck outta socket.

THat looks so wrong but that is Razor I’ll show you the makeover pic soon.

Razor Jonas Traits:Athletic, Genius

This is Ryle: Absent-Minded, Friendly.

And this is Ryan: Easily- Impressed, Loner I think that’s them in order i shouldn’t hav emade them all identicle.

And Ryan was the first to glitch. They glitched all over the palce so I had to age them up once again.

Oh and SP told me Jennifer is dating Matthew Hamming everyone know him 4 star celebrity. Then they broke up.

Attack of the gnomes yea i sent the kids out there and the WHOLE army poofed back there at once.

Here’s the new room. oh yea Nw traits


Ryan: Kelptomaniac

Ryle: Perfectionist.

Oh yea then 7 days later i’m not kidding nothing happened oh wait Trace died couldn’t find those pics sorry R.I.P Trace Jonas.

Razor: Charismatic

Ryle: Innappropriate

Forgot to write down Ryan’s.


Glitches suck

Posted: August 11, 2011 in Uncategorized

Hello dear viewers I hope you enjoy this installment of the Jonas Family Legacy.

Sarah somehow got deleted so all the cc on her disappeared so this is her remade the skin I think looks different I tryed to get it close.

Sarah: If i had a V8 I would still be awake.

No V8 in this game only juice.

Don’t you love how huge the screen is? I got it off the exchange somewhere idkw

Kyle: Hey gramps.

Trace: *grummble*

Kyle: What?

Trace: I miss my snuggly bunny!

Kyle: Yea well I hope to make you a great grandfather soon.

Trace: God let me die soon.

Ky you don’t even have a girlfriend.

Alex: Yea I’m gonna go woohoo with my wife and my dead b**** of a mother is turning me off.

Jade: Damn straight.

Alex: DIE!… AGAIN!

Jade: God i’m glad i died.

Trace: Snuggle bunny!

Jade: Ewww no the living *hiss*

Jade: *smile* I see you…

Sarah: I feel scared *shivers*

Trace: Doooow

Jade: Hehehehe

For one how does she hold the pillow for two how does he hit her?

I changed Kyle’s hair. And maria is like *smile,stare*

We also got a new vamp gnome his name is Cheese. He’s my favorite.

I also made this side expansion to Kyle’s room or the computer and anything else I can put in there.

Santos sits at the foot of everyone’s bed and watches them so he’s a stalker.

This made me CRACK UP Lewis is sleeping on the bathtub….

Lewis: I pimp like that.

Alex: Maybe shoving my hand through this dresser will get rid of wrinkles.

It won’t

Alex: Worth a try right?

It’ll hurt

Chana: I have trained hard for this battle plungerator.



Stabbing the fork through your lips doesn’t help you eat.

Trace: *bledding* coulda told me that before.

Kyle: The force is strong in me.

Yea your a real Jedi.

Kyle: *pulls out lightsaber* Your challenge is honorable.


Kyle: I can’t get my face far enoguh in to eat the wall cause I starving!

Kyle: It’s so white!!

It’s called clean. You should know your neurotic.

Every gnome i feel like is fighting.

Freddy: LUNGE!


Oh yea Kyle can float down streets.

Kyle: They see me rollin’ they hatin’

Kyle met a girl named Cienna I ay she’s pretty hot. Just saying you know ANYWAYZ….

Cie: If I close my eyes maybe he’ll leave.

Kyl: That’s why you should love me.

Why do all gnomes persist on staying in groups.

Jay: Those force rays are like massagers.

Rex was sleeping on the outdoor entertainment area counter.

I love the moddlet it gives to them like floating something.

Daww first kiss.

Kyle: You know what this means?

Cienna: Yea….

NO! Not yet no babies before this gen is over!

Kyle: Will you be my girlriend?

Cienna: YES!

Kyle: That’s great I knew loving you was right!


Of course there was love in the making between these two.

There’s Maria glitched on the roof and they she disappeared she no longer has a panel so there is no heir vote because Maria is a b**** and left the family.

Hope you’ll enjoy Kyle sorry bout Maria you Maria supporters but she aged and glitched up there and disappeared.

Losing a loved one.

Posted: August 10, 2011 in Uncategorized

Hola viewers of all ages this is chapter 13 i think of Jonas Legacy sit back with some popcorn or a soda  and enjoy!

Alex I see you like Sarah’s car no?

Alex: Yea I love it.

Wait-why are you running?

Alex: You’ll see.


THEHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah is going to be PISSED!

Alex: Eh who cares about her.


And you literally gave Jade a heart attack.

Jade: I’m dead?

No your going to Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, yes your dead!

Jade: No what about Trace!

 He’s only like 96 i think.

Sarah: No! Jade! ( They were actually BFF’s it shocked me to hell)

Trace: Yea squeeze me could you i don’t know get out of me?

Jade: Please no I wasn’t done with my spaghetti!

Grim: Screw the spaghetti get in to urn/grave because somehow when your inside your cremated when your out your in the ground it’s a confusing system.

Jade: Interesting… Can I get a brochure

Grim*hands brochure* don’t worry *whispers* we have a water slide.


I made this grave for Jade.

Trace: Is Jade back nao?


Trace: Now?


Trace: *whimpers*

Gnomes to a garden heh.

Jenna: I spy with my little eye, a sleeping woman.

Freddy: Zzzzzz * sleeping on my club*

Lewis: *tanning under my light* Like a pimp!

Lewis I would love to see your on the treadmill nuff said.

And I have no clue who went in there.

Well wait and see.

Luce:Disturbance in the air.

Jade didnt’ finish this painting I’m so SAD!

Trace: Sit in chair all lonely and hated….

Not lonely just hated… 😀

Trace: Gee thanks

Jay: Wall pretty.

Kyle: Give me a back massage. NOW!

Luce: Fine…

Also I wanted my own army of vamp gnomes so here’s the army.

Freddy: Freddy eat tree.

This is Ketchup she stalks Alex and Sarah.

I moved to a legacy huge house.

Maria: Damn you Voice move me from my favorite house.

Maria: I better have a nice room.

I end you here my followers, I hope you enjoyed stay tuned for next time!

Gnomes with a butler

Posted: August 9, 2011 in Uncategorized

Should I let Maria and Kyle be the in the heir bote because Alex and Sarah have tried 4 times for a baby and NOTHING!


Maria:LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Having fun buddy?

Kyle: Hell YAZ!!!!

Jade: Stupid kid…

Hey! Kyle enjoyed making that.

Jade: Well I enjoyed destroying it!

Jade and Trace spend all their time down here so i moved there room room down here added a bathroom and a kitchen.

Sarah: Sarah pissed on the floor.

3rd person?

No i was mocking you.

Jade exploded the science set on herself, and decided to go to sleep.


Trace started sculpitng!

Yay wood and a nail!

First sculpture is an elephant I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

And Sarah picked up the guitar skill.

Sarah: ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!

Floor hygienator Alex made it 😀

Love in the making!

Told you you will see NO sypmtons of pregnancy


Kyle: Wah?


Kyle: YAY!!!!!!

Yea he stood there and the cake disappeared.

Kyle: I do nothing!

Neither ofthe guests which were family even though i invited everyone i knew they just sat there

Kyle’s new trait is….Athletic.

Trace: Yay my wife got some cake!

Jade: Haha honey I love you. ( she’s dieing 😦 105 days old.)

Trace: Food for the poor chair?

Trace: Oh sonow you have old man jokes do you?

Trace: What! The chair I’m sitting on even betrays me!

Trace there chairs calm down.

Kyle that’s a rookie mistake.

Kyle: Stop trying to make me fell good! My live is a dark void full of EMPTINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude your NOT EMO!

Meet Peanuts! I love him soooooo much on the ball with a star like the Toy Story ball nvm I’m getting off track.

Who gave you that chainsaw?

Trace: The sculpting thing.

God they obviously don’t know you…

Trace: Yes I will use this chainsaw to RULE BRIDGEPORT!

ok… i’m scared *runs to panic room*

Yea my game won’t show the ice… it just stopped showing.

Even the chainsaw won’t show.. Damn game.

Trace: This ice chair that i made that won’t show cause your game sucks won’t let me sit in it!

Downstairs houses the whole family they all come down here for EVERY MEAL!

Isn’t this wrong Sarah and Alex are trying for a bby in his parent’s shower and the parents are outside the room.

Trace: I was going to make a statue of you but the ice shattered.

Maria: Damn floor thingy got me sick the other day you KNOW THAT!?!?

Yea i know Alex got sick too.

I love this painting it’s amazing what the stars look like!

Jade: You like it?

Hell ya!

Maria: So then I ruled over all the ghosts and took over the world!

Who you talking to?

Maria: Noone talking to myself.

Why did Sarah change into this I have no clue.

I bought this bed for the butler i hired I’m so kind right?

Maria aged up into a teen and gained hydrophobic hates water and outdoors.

He’s working on stone now.

Trace: Stone no ice!

Trace: Love the rock.

That rock sold for 1k lolz

She looks normal right I was expecting this old woman that they would all hate.

The butler allows laundry to pile in the kitchen how it gets in there still confuses me.

Yes i did glitch these gnomes but i needed something to attract my attention easily.

Rex, Ariel, Santos, Jay, Blingaboo, Napolean, Jenna, Chana, Lewis, Freddy YAY!

Maria found this cool rock also.

Well that ends this chapter I have all the pictures for the next chapter.

Say what?

Posted: August 5, 2011 in Uncategorized

This chapter you met Sarah’s new kid!

So we all know Sarah went into labor.

Sarah: I can’t wait to be a rockstar!

Weren’t you in labor.

Sarah: Oh yea.

Well they had a little girl Maria Jonas

Traits: Evil, Hates Outdoors

And her identity is revealed she is the daughter of Tyler Jonas…

So Sarah married Alex to try and mend her empitness of cheating.

Sarah: I love you so much.

Alex: As do I.

Yay Happy Birthday Ky!

Kyle: Goo?

His new trait is Absent-Minded thank you Alex.

Alex: Anyti- Wow i like his shirt!

Where did this hair color come from God knows where.


This is Maria as a toddler.

Maria: Yes it is brilliant!


Maria: See how I form a ball?


Maria: I will drop thousands of boulders on Twinbrook >:D YES IT IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what happens with DLC beds… I hate it!

Maria: I wove you daddy!

Alex: I love you too!

Hey what about me!

Maria:Die and rot in a ditch while burning in hell.

The hell?!?!?

Maria: Kill all who defy me! Laser their brains.

I fear her alot.

Maria: Maybe I will crash a rocket in Twinbrook! I’m so EVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIILLLLLLLL!

Ky: Must stare at bus driver.

Why does EA make them stare at her?

Maria: Feeders must have FOOOOOOOOOOD i cannot be starving while ruling the world!

Trace: Party in my room!

Jade: Alex you smell.

Alex: Well I hate you too ma.

Trace Jade and Alex have been packing away promotions!

This is the outside view of the house.

A new finished 2nd floor.

A new back yard.

and basement with almost everything you need for skills!

Kyle: Who Sh#$ on the sink?!?!? These are germs that will kill us ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude calm down it’s just grime and mold because noone cares other than you.


Alex: Cooking…

No not acceptable!

Alex: Why?

Everyone has eaten cake and cereal for the whole time your wife son mom dad EVERYONE AND YOU DESTROY IT!

Tim: Heh eat the cereal.

Sarah: Sudden disturbance.

Tim: So hot…


Jade: I love this slide!

Jade: Wooo backwards!!!!!!!

Your having fun?

Jade: More fun than with my toys!

She is obsessed with that slide.!

Trace got caught and there’s no driver it was driving itself!

Maria: get me out of this bunny outfit!!!!!!!! I will blast your brain!!!!!!!

Alex: Weeeeee!!!!!!!

Maria gained Mean spirited gah she’s gonna be a b&%^$ to deal with…

Maria: EXCUSE ME?!?!


I got Kyle a tree house! Yay!!!!!!!!!

Maria: Read to me gammy.

Jade: Not now hunny.


I don’t know who this whale is outside the house. I need to get a gate.

Jade has literally been there ALL day.

Jade: I love this slide.


Maria: Gampy I love you.

Trace: I love you too honey.

Maria: Make me a sandwhich.

Trace: I can’t now.

Maria: Old sack of wrinkles curl up and die!

Maria you have issues.

Alex loves his garden.

Alex: Sarah I havesome news.

Sarah: what?

Alex: We’re moving to Bridgeport.

Sarah: Shut up…