Archive for August 3, 2011

Can’t beat a cheat

Posted: August 3, 2011 in Uncategorized

Hello viewers! I’m so excited for Gen 2 to start up! I plan on showing you how much I’ve expanded the house but that’s further in I’m getting ahead of my self…

Sarah’s pregnant! Woo hoo Gen 3 baby on the way when who knows when 😛

Sarah: Oh my God! *crys*

What the hell Sarah?

Sarah: My ex-boyfriend had a light just like that!

Well anyway her traits are:

Over-emotional,Virtuoso, Natural Cook, Artistic, Ambitious

LTW: Rock Star.

Sarah your LTW will never happen…

Sarah: Why?

You’ll never go to work because of babies! Yay!

Sarah: D*%& you!


Trace: Shush!


Trace: I can hear Sarah through the wall taking a bath!

Your a perv that’s your son’s girlfriend!

Trace:So she’s hotter than my hag of a wife.

Your old too ya know?

Trace: THEHELL?!?!?!? When did this happen I WILL BLAST THEIR BRAINS OUT!!!!!!

Circle of Life old man.

Hey your using old Milly! Here I’ll kill those weeds.

There! I’m so glad she’s being run on again!

Trace: Well my toys take up my whole schedule you know?

Yea of course…

Speaking of toys we found Mr. Fluffy! He was at the park some how…

Jade: Mr. Fluffy I missed you so much!

Mr. Fluffy: I missed you too!

Jade: O.o you talk?

Nah that was me 🙂

Jade: A$$hole

I think her eyeballs might pop out…

Alex: Sarah Longhouse will you marry me?


Sarah: YES!! One million times yes!!!!!!

Alex: Thank God your my world.

Sarah: And your mine.

Alex: I can marry Sarah and we can raise our five kids.

Five? there’s only space for 4..

Alex: I’m going to get rid of mom.

Hey! She makes money too!

Alex: This is your stupid game so I need kids!


Tyler: Hey bro what’s been going on?

Alex: You know getting engaged!

Tyler: Shut up your engaged!?

Alex: Hellz ya!

That’s wrong.

Sarah: mmmrpph murpphhh


Sarah: I can’t breathe!

Tyler you hurting her!

Tyler: Can’t you see i’m fighting with my mother?


Sarah: You should stop fighting with your mother…

Tyler: Your right.

Tyler: But i’m not gonna take your advice. Mom you hag I hate oyu and I hope you disappear!

Jade: Your a crappy son!

(I’m not kidding you she hates everyone but Elanor and Trace.)

Sarah: Now the pregnant woman will fix this trashcan that noone will help with…

Tyler: Your arms aren’t broken.

Sarah: No but my water might.

Tyler: I’m so broken!


Tyler: The T.V won’t work!

So.. your supposed to turn it on first.

Tyler: Oh duh!

Bacheralette ( i think idk) party!!!!!



I think Elly found herself a lover… He’s old  like REALLY old I found his house he’s like 97 days old… Nice choice Elly.

I sent Sarah to the bookstore but she went in labor and the taxi dropped her off at the hospital like that’s nice.

Sarah: Shut up and get this baby out!

Umm i’m narrating so SHUT UP!!!!! As i was saying before I was rudely interrupted Gen 3 1st baby!

Back at the house…

Trace: Do you enjoy this!

Jade: *squeals* Stop it Trace!

I swear it’s amazing how they get along so well if one dies the other will be devastated… I’ll miss them both when the time comes but thats not now so Trace face time!

Trace: Sqee! This s fun!

I want the baby to be cliff hangerish it’s born but you will not meet till a little later in chapter >:D

Sarah: Ty why did I choose your brother over you?

Tyler: I have no earthly idea but your beautiful…

Sarah: These stars are so amazing!

Tyler: They shine as bright as your pretty eyes.

I don’t like where this is going.

Tyler: That one reminds me of you.

Sarah: How?

Tyler: It stands out from the crowd shines brighter than all the others..

Sarah: I think I love you Ty.

This is wrong look at his face and where is hand is… It’s like EA planned that.

Oh my God…

How did you get to his house so quick? I swear you were just at the beach…

Ty: I love you so much baby.

Sarah: Me too.

Sarah this is going to far!

Tyler your a bad brother if Alex ever finds out he’ll KILL you.

Tyler: Screw him I’m the better looking one.

But Alex is nice and doesn’t make Fiances cheat and is sensitive to women!

Tyler: This is just a one night stand fr the time being.

NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah you and Alex where supposed to be the perfect couple.

Sarah:Tyler you so much better than Alex!

Tyler: I have more experience then him.

Sarah: What? So am i just your little toy for the night?

I got a robot you guys her name is Thelma! Sorry back on track!

Oh and here’s the baby’s room his name is Kyle Jonas!

Sarah you can’t just have sex with Alex and make it better!

Sarah: no but I can have a chance at it being his baby!

Oh and if it’s Tyler’s?

Sarah: Please don’t say that name!

I already got rid of Thelma for my baby space.

There’s the new house upstairs is off limits due to lack of funds for completion.

Sarah:I’m pregnant but with who’s baby?

Sarah we’ll have to wait and see.

Evil cliffhanger >:D I hope you enjoyed this installment of the Jonas Legacy!

Love is in the Heir

Posted: August 3, 2011 in Uncategorized

Welcome to Chapter 1 of Generation 2! I’m so glad we made it through Gen 1 because in this Gen at least the Heir and wife aren’t lunatics 😛 Enjoy!


Isn’t it akward how much hair Elly has on her arm? EA really sucks at that I mean you can’t get rid of it I’m glad she’s not heir i couldn’t deal with hairy arm woman for 2 generations… Just saying.


I made Alex this garden for his Science carrer cause Alex is my little buddy! 🙂

Alex:Thanks wow that grass is nice voice.

I know I water it everyday.

Ummm ‘scuse me I was showing you your garden and you go away and kiss Sarah my God you are being rude to me…

Alex & Sarah: *slobberywetlovingkiss*

Look at her eyes she’s not looking at him lol.

Sarah: That was rude dude. I mean for real.?!?!?

Alex: Voice go to hell!

😥 to think i made you a square of mulch JUST FOR YOU!

Alex: It’s okay I love you we don’t need him.

Yea ummm I could delete the fridge and since your idiots you would sit there waving your hand in the air like WTF where the fridge go? Yea owned di%^.

Thats what you’d do. Now whats wrong Jade?

Jade: Yea umm that’s my toy.

Jade your supposed to share.

Jade: I no wanna share!

Well there are 2 bunnies wheres the other one. Oh wait I burned it.


I’m joking I honestly don’t know where he is thoguh Jade.

Jade: *pouts* Mr. Fluffy…

I explored a bit and if the police can’t see this obvious criminal then I would fire them all.

Dumb criminal:Would you like these stolen flowers?

Gullible old woman: Oh I would love’em!

Yea there here making out I couldn’t think of dialogue cause they wouldn’t stop kissing!

Sarah Alex what the hell? You two are inseperable.

Alex: Ow ow ow.

Sarah: What?

Alex: I think i poked my eye.

Dude that sounds sick.


*scoffs* sorry.

She puked and everyone was at work so you know bathroom was empty…

Sarah: Shush i was cleaning there newspaper collection.

Hey! i’m been gathering those!

Sarah: Well now the trashcan snacks on those.

Dude you got your a$$ beat by your mom.

Alex: Shut up and leave me the eff alone!

Jade: Now do the effing dishes!

Yay I got him his table! Wooooo Jared rocks!!!!!!!

Alex: Thanks voice.

Yea now be nice to me. You so far are my favorite.

I hope you enjoyed and I hope you like Alex. Thanks for viewing!