Love is in the Heir

Posted: August 3, 2011 in Uncategorized

Welcome to Chapter 1 of Generation 2! I’m so glad we made it through Gen 1 because in this Gen at least the Heir and wife aren’t lunatics πŸ˜› Enjoy!


Isn’t it akward how much hair Elly has on her arm? EA really sucks at that I mean you can’t get rid of it I’m glad she’s not heir i couldn’t deal with hairy arm woman for 2 generations… Just saying.


I made Alex this garden for his Science carrer cause Alex is my little buddy! πŸ™‚

Alex:Thanks wow that grass is nice voice.

I know I water it everyday.

Ummm ‘scuse me I was showing you your garden and you go away and kiss Sarah my God you are being rude to me…

Alex & Sarah: *slobberywetlovingkiss*

Look at her eyes she’s not looking at him lol.

Sarah: That was rude dude. I mean for real.?!?!?

Alex: Voice go to hell!

πŸ˜₯ to think i made you a square of mulch JUST FOR YOU!

Alex: It’s okay I love you we don’t need him.

Yea ummm I could delete the fridge and since your idiots you would sit there waving your hand in the air like WTF where the fridge go? Yea owned di%^.

Thats what you’d do. Now whats wrong Jade?

Jade: Yea umm that’s my toy.

Jade your supposed to share.

Jade: I no wanna share!

Well there are 2 bunnies wheres the other one. Oh wait I burned it.


I’m joking I honestly don’t know where he is thoguh Jade.

Jade: *pouts* Mr. Fluffy…

I explored a bit and if the police can’t see this obvious criminal then I would fire them all.

Dumb criminal:Would you like these stolen flowers?

Gullible old woman: Oh I would love’em!

Yea there here making out I couldn’t think of dialogue cause they wouldn’t stop kissing!

Sarah Alex what the hell? You two are inseperable.

Alex: Ow ow ow.

Sarah: What?

Alex: I think i poked my eye.

Dude that sounds sick.


*scoffs* sorry.

She puked and everyone was at work so you know bathroom was empty…

Sarah: Shush i was cleaning there newspaper collection.

Hey! i’m been gathering those!

Sarah: Well now the trashcan snacks on those.

Dude you got your a$$ beat by your mom.

Alex: Shut up and leave me the eff alone!

Jade: Now do the effing dishes!

Yay I got him his table! Wooooo Jared rocks!!!!!!!

Alex: Thanks voice.

Yea now be nice to me. You so far are my favorite.

I hope you enjoyed and I hope you like Alex. Thanks for viewing!

  1. Jonas Legacy says:

    Sorry everyone for the first part wordpress ate the picture! Once again sorry.

  2. spongeb0berz says:

    “square of mulch JUST FOR YOU!”

    I lol’d at that XD ❀

    Lovely update! Can't wait for babies!!

  3. Jonas Legacy says:

    Lol the name of the chapter popped in my head when taking pictures of him and Sarah lol Love is in the heir… I don’t know maybe it’s i’m tired πŸ˜›

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